Married Margaret Roses Frances (Daisy) Voules
28 October 1901
St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur
Liverpool Weekly Courier, 2 November 1901 (Saturday)
Hubback-Voules- Oct 28, at St. Mary’s Church, Kwala Lumpur, Selangore, Federated Malay States, by the Rev. F.S. Pyemont, Arthur Benison, eldest son of the late Joseph Hubback, J.P., of Liverpool, to Margaret Rose Frances (Daisy), second daughter of Gordon Blennerhasset Voules, of the Admiralty and West Dulwich, S.E.
The Wedding, Another Account
As extracted from Malay Mail, 30 October 1901
The morning broke fair and cloudless, as it always does in books, and from an early hour it was evident that something unusual was about to happen. The little town of Kuala Lumpur nestling-but we have not space for that. Bunting and triumphal arches relieved the monotony of the main streets; sprigs of orange blossom peeped forth from the shop windows, and even the touchangs of the rikisha coolies were tied up with pink ribbon (the bride’s favourite colour). The cricket Tambi, sporting what appeared to be a clean sarong for the occasion, soon gave up even pretending to relay the pitch, and joined the crowd which was rapidly gathering in the vicinity of the Church.
The early door was not advertised to open till 12 o’clock, but long before that time a patient queue had formed, waiting under the scorching sun for something to turn up. At the Federal Mess, those incidents, without which no well-regulated wedding is complete, the lost safety pins, the dog-benibbled wedding cake, the nonchalance of the Boys, and the knavery of the Family Dhobi, all had their turn. The Union Jack flew gaily from the Tower, and the Lodge Gates were besieged by a group of people eager to catch the first glimpse of the procession. Through the courtesy of the Best Man we are able to publish the official time-table, which will give some idea what was meant to take place. It runs as follows:-
7 a.m. Feu de joie and gin slings on the Upper Terrace.
7 30 a.m. Opening for the first bottle.
8 a.m. Service for the family in the Private Chapel.
10 a.m. The Castle Grounds will be thrown open to the public. Visitors are requested not to walk on the grass, or pick the flowers or frighten the deer in the Park.
11 a.m. The band of the Selangor Volunteers, of which Mr. Hubback is Hon. Colonel, will play selections in the Pisang Gardens.
11.30 1.m. Presentation of plate with an illuminated address from the Tenants on the Estate.
Mid-day. Knife and Fork tiffin for the tradesman. The mayor and corporation in their robes of office will be present.
1.15 p.m Service in the Cathedral. Fully choral. Anthem “ There’s a Home” by the Troupe.
2 p.m. Reception at the Castle.
3 p.m. The Family Coach conveys the happy pair and a modicum of antique footgear to the Central (Police) station.
3.15 p.m. They leave by the Mail en roué for a fashionable watering place.
3.30 p.m. The guests depart from the Castle(or at any rate ought to).
4 p.m. Treat to the Sunday school children in the courtyard.
6.30 p.m. Oranges and a slice of cake are awarded to the survivors.
9.30 p.m. Servants Ball in the Picture Gallery. Tickets, $1 including lime squash, may be obtained from the Federal cook or Tukang Ayer. Ladies free if accompanied by gentlemen.
11 p.m. Grand display of fireworks, with Biograph. The Fire-brigade will be in attendance.
12 p.m. Up goes the Federal Balloon.
12.30 p.m The public will be thrown out of the Castle grounds.
A slight hitch occurred from the fact that the level crossing gates were closed for the down goods, but the official in charge, with a tact which did him credit, persuaded the express to wait until the Bridal carriage had passed, and, punctually as the chimes rang out the quarter after one, the Bride walked up the aisle escorted by her brother, who looked as if he had just come out of bond. The Bride was dressed in white satin with transparent yoke and sleeves, white chiffon fichu with wacking ends and wore a tulle veil over a wreath of orange blossoms and white heather (the gift of the Federal Kabun), while from the shoulders hung a Court train to which were attached two diminutive bridesmaids looking delightful in white silk frocks and picture hats. There were some who whispered that the Bridegroom’s frock coat was evidently built for a slimmer man but the cut of the Giver-away’s was unexceptional, while the tender way in which the top hat was handled encouraged the belief that it must be a cherished family heirloom-or hired.
Mr. Jelf bowled finely from the Organ end: his slow ball being particularly deceptive. He was well backed up by some admirable fielding on the part of the Choir. Outside the porch rice was flung with the usual persistence and the usual want of aim, but fortunately there were no serious casualties, only two cases of dislocated noses being treated by Dr. Travers who was in attendance.
At the Reception, which was held at the Federal Mess, the health of the Bride and Bridegroom, was drunk with musical honours and an enthusiasm to which the long row of champagne corpses bore ample testimony. We have not been able to obtain a complete list of the presents and it would be invidious to mention names. A few statistics may not however be out of place. The total number has never been ascertained, and the Bride astonished her friends by declaring on the eventful morning that at least forty were missing. Whether this statement was due to a pardonable spirit of pride or to a desire to add a touch of local colour to an already romantic episode we have been unable to discover. Be that as it may, there were 35 salt cellars, 101 teaspoons, 5 silver teapots, 14 fancy tea cloths, 7 cheese scoops 16 woolly antimacassars, several waxflowers and seashells, no ink pots and wonderfully few paper knives.
At three o’clock, amid a storm of cheers, rice and assorted shoes in which the trousseau of a certain well-known lawyer played a conspicuous part, the happy couple left for the station. The Bride’s going away dress was pale blue crepe de chine with lace insertions and pink veners, all appliqué proper, while the Bridegroom in a flea bitten grey and a slightly hen-pecked air looked as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The 3.1, with the genial Resident Engineer in charge, was drawn up on No. 1 platform opposite the waiting room, so that they were enabled, after alighting, to step straight into the Royal saloon over the red carpet; immediately the whistle blew, and the express rolled majestically out of the terminus, leaving behind a group of waving friends and the major portion of the luggage. Mr. and Mrs. Hubback are spending their honeymoon at “ The Hut”, Larut Hills, which has been kindly placed at their disposal by the State Engineer, Perak.