District Office, Klang (1910)
Klang’s District Office was built after the town was made state Capital of Selangor by Sultan Alauddin Suleiman Shah. Also referred to as The White House of Klang.
Hubback's Official Post/Role: Federal P.W.D Assistant Architect ARIBA
Year Designed:1909
Year Completed:1910
Land acquired at a preliminary cost of $500.
Brief Architectural Description: A Neo Classical building following the Western Classical style, symmetrical plan.
Housed a Bank for many years
194: Used as Juntai war Headquarters by the Japanese army.
1949: Occupied by the Klang Town Board
1973-85: Used as the Police Contingent Building
1987: Used as the Legal Department
Named as Bangunan Sultan Suleiman (Sultan Suleiman Building) on 22 February 1989.
Alteration History:
2009 - Refurbished by Laurent Lim Architect and re-opened as Sultan Abdul Aziz Royal Gallery
Original Use: Government Administration
Original Building Type: Office & Public Building
Current Name: Galeri Diraja Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah
Current Use: Museum
Current Building Use: Place of Assembly
Gazetted as Malaysia's National Heritage in 2012
Gazetted Name: Bangunan Sultan Suleiman (Galeri Diraja Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah)
1909 Block Plan of District Office Klang, cropped from original sheet. ANM Acc. No. 1957 0149045
A Block Plan submitted by the State Engineer o Selangor to the Selangor Resident for his approval on 30 August 1909. "The arrangement as shown have been approved of by the Architectural Assistant* and the laying out o the surroundings can be net from the balance on the provision or the building". *Assistant Architect was AB Hubback Source: ANM Acc. No: 19570149045
Blue arrow points to District Office of Klang. Photo Courtesy of Mariana Isa. Purchased from KILTV Universiteit Leiden (Ref. No. KLV001097122)
ANM Acc. No. 2001/0022669